#91: Playing the Breast Cancer Awareness Game

“Just used my boobs to get out of a speeding ticket” is a post I’ve read now a half dozen times by both men and women that is supposedly part of a game being played on the social media to raise awareness for breast cancer. The boob thing is among other random and bizarrely uncharacteristicContinue reading “#91: Playing the Breast Cancer Awareness Game”

#90: This Is Just To Say

(after William Carlos Williams again) I have mixed out the blue notes that you sang in the chorus which you probably intended but nevertheless sound wrong Forgive me they were terrible so sour and so far out.   Note:  Dear reader, you can probably tell I’m cheating.  I’ve got to write 10 poems in 6Continue reading “#90: This Is Just To Say”

#88: Why You Should Contribute To Music Millennium’s Kickstarter Campaign

They need a new roof, for starters. But more importantly, if you are serious about music and if you care about the industry that has brought all of this delight for so many decades, longer than many of us have been alive, and if you’re worried about independent record stores being squished by big boxesContinue reading “#88: Why You Should Contribute To Music Millennium’s Kickstarter Campaign”

#87: Morning Meditation with Nerf Gun

While the boy loads his weapon and hides, Dad walks slowly around the yard, breathing. He knows the ambush is coming, but tries for and momentarily achieves a quiet mind. Even while he’s absorbing the cool morning air of a sunny spring day and loving the trees as they await their first blooms of theContinue reading “#87: Morning Meditation with Nerf Gun”

#86: Another Stupid Human Facebook Trick

So, how many times have you replied to a Facebook post simply begging for your special brand of snark and sarcasm and humor and then changed your mind at the last minute and deleted the whole thing before you could post your reply? You think, no, they won’t get it, or, yes, they will getContinue reading “#86: Another Stupid Human Facebook Trick”

#85: The Eight Year Old Son of the American English Teacher Illustrates the Chinese Poets

It’s a teacher work-day and Mom is getting an MRI, so the boy comes with Dad to school, takes copious notes during the staff meeting and afterwards creates a mural in the classroom. He begins with the tree. When you come back from Spring Break, he says, you can do a lesson about trees. ConsiderContinue reading “#85: The Eight Year Old Son of the American English Teacher Illustrates the Chinese Poets”

#84: The Breast Cancer Poem

We pulled the mammogram call-back letter out of the mailbox on Christmas day. The rest is a blur of fearful unknowing– until the biopsy, and then waiting for the results of the biopsy, and then getting acquainted with the strangeness of saying, yes, I have cancer, or, yes, my wife has cancer. Early detection, a tinyContinue reading “#84: The Breast Cancer Poem”

#83: The American High School English Teacher Tries To Do Second Grade Math

Show your work, the instructions say, in tens and ones. Okay. Fair enough. What’s the problem? 35 – 18 = ____ When I was a kid learning to do the math, we were taught to borrow from the tens column which made a problem like this easier to do; it made one hard problem with twoContinue reading “#83: The American High School English Teacher Tries To Do Second Grade Math”