#230: A Poem of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving, America. Here’s a skinny but long list of things for which I am grateful: It’s not January. I could do without the heavy rain making a mud bath of the lawn, but at least, the leaves are finally out of the yard. My son is healthy and, as far as I can tell, happy.Continue reading “#230: A Poem of Gratitude”

#229: Sore Loser Angry White Guy

I am a sore loser angry white guy. I’m sore, yeah, not because my candidate lost, but because THIS guy won. And I’m angry, not because the guy that won was not my candidate, but because THIS particular guy is an inarticulate, stupid, immoral, ignorant, sexist, racist, homophobic, bullying man-baby. And never before in myContinue reading “#229: Sore Loser Angry White Guy”

#228: On the Day After the Election

Having wept myself to sleep the night before, I got up and went to work in the school house where we met in small teams in the library to plan or do curriculum work or talk about assessments, where instead I chose to color with crayons at the table our new librarian set up forContinue reading “#228: On the Day After the Election”