#403: Poem on April 30, 2021

It’s always astounding to me, when I set myself the task of writing a poem a day for a month, and then each day becomes marked by a poem, how quickly the month seems to pass. Thirty poems seems like a lot of poems. Thirty days seems like a lot of days. It’s not. You’dContinue reading “#403: Poem on April 30, 2021”

#402: Poem on April 29, 2021

Poem on April 29 The best thing I could dofor myself this morning: spin Scary Monstersin the empty classroom before the students arrived,timing “Ashes to Ashes” and “Fashion” just for the moment as the first group of kids came throughthe doors of A-9.That was a good way to begin. What has felt like a weekofContinue reading “#402: Poem on April 29, 2021”

#401: Poem on April 28, 2021

Including today, there are three more days left of National Poetry Writing Month. I’ve made it this far and I haven’t missed a day. In previous years, while I always made it to 30, sometimes I would have to cheat a little and publish two poems in a single day. I cheated not a singleContinue reading “#401: Poem on April 28, 2021”

#400: Poem on April 27, 2021

Today seems like a milestone day. 400 poems, for instance. It’s taken 8 years, but that doesn’t seem too shabby of a record. That’s 50 poems a year. And here’s a smaller number, but a milestone, nevertheless: I have made it through the first two days–or one time through the entire schedule–of hybrid teaching. I’mContinue reading “#400: Poem on April 27, 2021”

#399: Poem on April 26, 2021

Remember that nightmare I had about distance learning? Poem #398 for easy reference. Well, that nightmare, or some version of it, was a lived experience for me on my first day back to school for hybrid learning. So here’s a poem on that occasion, unfortunately this time, not a dream but a reality. The kidsContinue reading “#399: Poem on April 26, 2021”

#398: Poem on April 25, 2021

Here’s an occasional poem, of sorts: on the occasion of having a teaching nightmare on the eve of returning to the school building for hybrid learning, April, 2021. I actually composed the following before I knew today’s suggested prompt, and I do think I would like to compose a poem more directly or seriously forContinue reading “#398: Poem on April 25, 2021”

#397: Poem on April 24, 2021

Poem on April 24 A man has been crushed to death by a butterflyhe had been hunting in Zimbabwe last Friday. Theunis Botha was hunting a group of butterflieson an insect reserve with clients when the party accidentally stumbled upon a breeding flutter in Good Luck Farm near Hwange National Park. It is reported that threeContinue reading “#397: Poem on April 24, 2021”

#396: Poem on April 23, 2021

Poem on April 23 You’re goddamn right I was saving those plumsfor breakfast. That’s why I put them in the icebox–for safe, cold-keeping.Do I have to putmy name on shitin this household? I’m gladyou enjoyed thembecause, this is just to say, I have given all your chocolateto the neighbor kids.

#395: Poem on April 22, 2021

On April 16 of 2020 I wrote a poem about turntables. I even used this image as an illustration. Having forgotten about that poem, as one does, I set out today to write another poem about turntables–a little bit in keeping with today’s prompt from Napowrimo to write a poem in which an object becomesContinue reading “#395: Poem on April 22, 2021”

#394: Poem on April 21, 2021

I don’t even know how to describe this next thing. The Napowrimo website does it best. It’s a poem inspired somewhat by a famous childhood nursery rhyme by an anonymous author (“There was a man of double deed?”) and ends up being simply an exercise in repeating the last part of a line in theContinue reading “#394: Poem on April 21, 2021”